Sunday, August 1, 2010

A mini rock runner.

Yeah so umm long time since I posted anything. Well now there are new things in the works. My ex-girlfriend, formerly known as Bigfoot, gave birth to a small mini-me. Her name is Marina Lynn. This so exciting. I am already experimenting with webbing so I can make her a solid rappelling harness. Unfortunately Bigfoot says no canyoneering with her for a few years.... so she is just going to have to wear it for family photos and special occasions. With canyoneering out of the question I tried for the next logical choice which was river rafting, but once again Bigfoot had to be a party pooper.

So I got really excited to be having a mini-rockrunner running around and Bigfoot moved to Wisconsin when we broke up so I wasn't able to be there during the pregnancy. To prepare myself for fatherhood and increase my understanding of pregnancy, I dated a single mother and watched lots of reality pregnancy shows. This is what I learned: Single mothers can be as foolish and irresponsible as any other woman, and I really like babies.

Marina was born on July 13th at 5:21 pm in Wisconsin. I haven't seen her yet but I will see her for the first time in less than a week. Now that she is here I spend time looking for things that I can buy for her. I really look forward to taking her out on adventures. Now just need to find a way to distract mom long enough to sneak her out of the house.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

From brunette to blonde, a love affair with a jeep.

Some of you may already know that I have acquired a Jeep. It is with a heavy heart that I retire pathy (my old 4X4) for P-nut a Wrangler Sport. Think of it as trading the frumpy brunette for the hot blonde with bigger ti...res. Even tho the brunette had some quality, the blonde was hotter and more fun. It is like graduating from the coin operated horse in front of Kmart, to the mechanical bull in the bar.
I had only had P-nut for a week when we took our first adventure to the Upper Black Box in the northern part of the San Rafael Swell. We learned a few lessons that day that will be good to know. First of all, high mountain passes, in a topless jeep early in the morning, can be cold. Even if the forecast calls for a high of 100 degrees. Second, when you are on a dirt road with music playing, girls in the back have a tendency to stand up and dance. Third, as a driver you get a great view in the rearview mirror.

The second trip we took, was a rafting trip down the Green river. After the trip was over we played on the slickrock and sand. This occupied a good portion of our morning and the other portion of the morning we spent digging P-nut out of his first getting stuck in sand experience. After lodging some rocks under the tires we were able to get out and head up to the book cliffs for some off-road driving, spectacular views and the old Sego ghost town. On the way back we had some overheating problems on Interstate 70. Over all it was a good trip.

Overheating bad, off roading good.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A terrible thing happened!

A terrible thing, two actually, happened this summer. Two wild stallions were saddled, and broken when women took the reigns of their social life. Rest in peace solitude and freedom. Here is to your wives and your mistresses, may the two never meet.

In June, two great friends got married, to each other. Congratulations Brigham and Lisa. They have been more than friends. They are kin. I am happy for both of them and wish them the best. The highlight of the wedding was the wedding rehearsal when the best men and bride starting beatboxing the strong bad techno song.

In August, Josh and Audrie took the plunge. It was another awesome ceremony and I think the only time this many people from our immediate group will be in upscale attire. Josh and Audrie wrote their own vows and Lindsay cried. It was touching. The best part about this summer was getting all of the boys in tuxs, twice. New rule, no more weddings for... forever.

Anyway we wish both couples the best. May divorce come swiftly and before you acquire too much community property.